Saturday, November 12, 2005
Game and Team Results
Bay Teamers (*) & other locals
(Listings are based on placement numbers posted by USDAA; only about the top 10%, more or less, were identified)
Power and Speed (Friday)
In this class, the dog must first successfully complete all 3 contacts, the weaves, and a double jump, in any order, within a certain amount of time, to be allowed to continue to the timed jumpers portion of the course. Any fault in the first part results in elimination, which predictably caught a lot of dogs.
- 16" (about 106 dogs)
- Luka and Ashley Deacon, 4th
- 26" (about 128 dogs)
- Tala and Greg Leal, 7th (tie)
- *Panic and Nancy Gyes, 7th (tie)
- 22" (about 250 dogs)
- *Brink and Sandy Rogers, 9th (tie)
- *Spy and Jim Basic, 2nd
- *Bert and Bill Gignac, 6th
Performance Power and Speed (Friday)
- 8" (26 dogs)
- *Chili and Lorraine Bailey, 4th
Time Gamble (Wednesday)
In this class, the handler must register a guess as to how much time it will take for their dog to complete the course on a time-plus-faults scoring system. So, for example, if you think the dog will complete it in 25 seconds but pop a contact, you'd enter a score of 28. The closest guess t the actual time wins.
- 12" (36 dogs)
- *Cindy and Kathy Carlsen, 2nd
- 26" (124 dogs)
- *Zac and Eric Bruce, 2nd
- 22" (257 dogs)
- *Rav and Sarah Johnson, 4th
Performance Time Gamble (Wednesday)
- 8" (24 dogs)
- *Chili and Lorraine Bailey, 2nd
Team Snooker (Thursday)
This was a challenging course, where the #7 looked like it might be easy because it consisted of a tunnel-jump-tunnel. However, the tunnels were on opposite sides of the ring, and all the red jumps required going around or through other obstacles from almost any numbered obstacle or combination. In addition, the time allowed was very tight. As a result, many many dogs weren't able to complete their planned opening plus the 2-through-7 closing sequence before time ran out--that is, if they didn't get whistled off early for taking one of the many possible wrong elements.
- 26" (146 dogs)
- Fable and Rachel Sanders, 7th
- *Tika and Ellen Finch, 11th
- 22" (253 dogs)
- *Bert and Bill Gignac, 7th
- 16" (about 120 dogs)
- *Jitters and Mo Strenfel, 8th
- Results that were (finally) posted online only covered those who got ribbons--just the top 8 or so--so I'm not sure who else...

Team Standard (Friday)
- 26" (146 dogs)
- Aiko and Susan Cochrane, 1st
- *Kidd and Tania Chadwick, 8th (tie)
- *Thyme and Sharon Freilich, 5th
- *Hobbes and Rob Michalski, 15th
- Tala and Greg Leal, 4th
- 22" (253 dogs)
- *Spy and Jim Basic, 25th (tie)
- *Rav and Sarah Johnson, 19th
Team Gamblers (Saturday)
The opening time was only 24 seconds on this one. The gamble time was 14 seconds for big dogs; the gamble had no gamble line and you could take a certain sequence of obstacles as often as you wanted after the first whistle blew for bonus points--but if you didn't cross the finish before your 14 seconds were up, you lost all your bonus points.
- 26" (146 dogs)
- Fable and Rachel Sanders, 7th
- *Panic and Nancy Gyes, 3rd
- *Kidd and Tania Chadwick, 10th
- Tala and Greg Leal, 14th
- 22" (253 dogs)
- *Brink and Sandy Rogers, 2nd
- *Wicked and Nancy Gyes, 27th
- *Bert and Bill Gignac, 6th

Team Jumpers (Saturday)
- 16" (about 120 dogs)
- *Jitters and Maureen Strenfel, 6th
- 26" (146 dogs)
- Aiko and Susan Cochran, 6th
- 22" (253 dogs)
- *Riot and Nancy Gyes, 24th
- *Spy and Jim Basic, 6th
- *Bert and Bill Gignac, 26th
Team Relay (Saturday)
Only the top 10 relay placers were (eventually) posted online, so I don't have any other info.
- *Wicked and Nancy Gyes' team, 3rd
- Dan, Coty, and Tala's team, 2nd
- Fable Sanders' team, 6th
- Pivot Gaiser's team, 5th
Team Final Placement--Cumulative of all 5 events
Note Tues Nov 22, 5pm, Oops, OK, these weren't the placements going INTO finals, these were the final placements after all, for the 36 teams who went to finals.
- (Out of 205 teams)
- 3rd, *Bill Gignac and Bert's team
- 5th, *Jim Basic and Spy's team
- 7th, Rachel Sanders and Fable's team
- 11th, Candy Gaiser and Pivot's team
- 15th, *Nancy Gyes and Wicked's team
- 16th, Greg Leal/Tala, Tammy Langer/Coty, Skvorak/Dan
- 24th, *Nancy Gyes/Panic, Susan Cochran/Aiko
- 36th, *Rob Michalski/Hobbes, *Cindy Glantz/Jagger, *Mo Strenfel/Jitters
Additional Bay Team teams doing well:
- 42nd, *Erika Maurer/Chase, *Dave Grubel/Tahoe, *Tania Chadwick/Kidd